About the team

Louisa County Public Schools serves more than 1,400 high school students, both in-person and virtually. Due to economic and infrastructure factors, many of Louisa’s students have historically lacked access to the experiences and information that could inspire them to pursue high-tech careers. More than 40% of Louisa County High School students are economically disadvantaged, and 35% of students do not have access to reliable internet. 

As a finalist for the Rural Tech Project, Louisa launched a Cybersecurity Program for its high school students in fall 2021. This career and technical education (CTE) pathway prepares students for cybersecurity careers or postsecondary degrees through courses, community events, and work-based learning opportunities. While completing the pathway, students can earn CompTIA and TestOut credentials. Students in the Cybersecurity Program also have meaningful opportunities to engage with industry experts, including through a speaker series with leaders from Dominion Energy, Rapid Ascent, and Special Aerospace Security Services.

Louisa also uses distance learning for delivery of the Cybersecurity Program. This model allows Louisa to reach more students, and enables students to work at their own pace and develop mastery of competencies through skills-based assignments and assessments.

Download the builder to learn more about Louisa’s Cybersecurity Program.

How to get in touch:

  • Team Lead: Dr. Justin Grigg

Learn about Louisa:

Louisa in the news: 

See lessons learned and resources from the Rural Tech Project teams.

See lessons learned and resources from the Rural Tech Project teams.